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Dra. Renata Guimarães Moreira-Whitton  (MOREIRA, R. G.)

     MSc. (1995) and Ph.D (1999) in General Physiology (IBUSP) and Post-Doc from 2003 to 2003 in the same institute, with a period at the Memorial University (Canada). Assistant professor at the Department of Physiology (IBUSP) with collaborations with researchers from the Aquaculture Center of UNESP, University of Mogi das Cruzes, Boku Universitat (Vienna, Austria), Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Fisheries Institute / SP. The general line of research established is fish reproductive physiology. This line was originated in the context of a postdoctoral research in Canada studying lipid metabolism and reproductive endocrinology of tropical fish. This grant contributed significantly to establish the Laboratory of Metabolism and Reproduction of Aquatic Organisms (LAMEROA), which maintains the original line but has incorporated other models such as amphibians, and has moved towards the interface between physiology and conservation biology. The two main aspects of physiology studied are lipid metabolism and reproductive endocrinology, which apply to diverse contexts relevant to this proposal. One is thermal acclimation, which requires the organization of fatty acids in the cell membranes of fish. Another is the effect of ecological barriers on reproduction. According to climatic patterns, the reproductive migration of fish (locally known as piracema) may be the interrupted, and the laboratory has started a strong program focusing on the fish of the Upper Tietê and Paraíba do Sul River Basin. The laboratory has acted also in specific conservation contexts, focusing on marine endangered fish species, using endocrinology tools to produce sexual reversal in hermaphrodite fish (dusky grouper). Finally, the laboratory has participated in projects related to environmental impact and the action of pollutants, evaluating how fish that use different reproductive strategies regulate reproduction facing stress.

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